Saturday, March 7, 2009


[Answers are marked in green]

Question 1

What does the term “Sandbox” mean in SEO?

a. The box with paid ads that appear when you perform a search.

b. The first 10 search results for a particular keyword.

c. This is where sites are kept till they get mature enough to be included in the top rankings for a particular keyword.

d. A special category of sites that are listed in kid-safe searches.

Question 2

When was the Big Daddy Google update completed?

a. 2006.

b. 2005.

c. 2004.

Question 3

You plan to launch a new site. Does it make sense to register the domain early, when you are not ready with the site itself? Check all that apply.

a. No, this is a waste of money. I will pay for the domain, when I am ready with the site.

b. Yes, early registration helps to have a mature site sooner and I will have to wait less till I get out of the sandbox.

c. Yes, by registering early, the site will get older sooner and since the age of the domain is important, this will help.

d. Yes, early registration will help me keep competitive without spending much on advertising.

Question 4

What is meant by “Google bombing”?

a. Submitting the site again and again in order to include it in Google's index.

b. Multiple sites linking to the same site, with the same anchor text in order to get high ranking for the keyword in the anchor text.

c. Extensively using the word “Google” on your pages in order to get high rankings with Google.

Question 5

Which of the following techniques is best for dealing with duplicate content?

a. Rewriting the title and the headings.

b. Rearranging the placement of paragraphs.

c. Changing the directory in which a file resides or renaming it in order to make the URL different.

d. Using synonyms in each sentence.

e. Re-wording the text.

Question 6

You have just launched a new site. Unfortunately, nobody visits it, even search engines' spiders don't notice it. What can you do for its SEO success? Check all that apply.

a. Get some fancy fonts for the titles and headings.

b. Add gorgeous Flash movies to the site.

c. Submit the URL of the site to search engines and search directories.

d. Get some free links from the greatest hacker sites because backlinks always boost rankings.

Question 7

Will you use an ordinary html sitemap with Google?

a. Any sitemap is OK to use it with Google.

b. No, I will not because it is duplicate content.

c. I'd rather use the special XML format that Google uses for sitemaps.

Question 8

Why are metatags important? Check all that apply.

a. Because search engines still use them for estimating search relevancy.

b. Because if you leave metatags empty search engines will not index your site.

c. Because keyword-rich metatags lead to top positions in search engines.

d. Because it is a professional approach to Web design to have complete and accurate metatags.

e. Metatags are not important at all today.

Question 9

What will the search string “” show?

a. The list of backlinks from other sites on the Web to

b. The list of backlinks from other sites on the Web to that are available in the index of the particular search engine.

c. The home page of

d. The anchor text of the backlinks that link to the site.

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